Missing Liveries
Hi I have instlled the Vulcan using the installer, but the other aircraft types/liveries are not availible when setting up the a/c in MSFS - anyone else having the same issue?
@Deebone That's not something we have seen reported yet, but typically aircraft not appearing in the MSFS Main Menu would point towards an installation issue.
Would you be so kind as to contact Just Flight support at the following link, then we can help troubleshoot that: https://www.justflight.com/support
Mark - Just Flight
I have this too, what was the solution?
@rodders There are three variants of the Vulcan included with the product that appear as three separate aircraft in the MSFS Aircraft Selection screen: Avro Vulcan B Mk.2 (Olympus 200 Series), Avro Vulcan B Mk.2 (Olympus 301) and Avro Vulcan B Mk.2 VTTS (VTTS, Olympus 200 Series). Each of these variants has its own selection of liveries
Are each of these variants showing up in the MSFS Aircraft Selection menu? If not, is there a specific variant you are not seeing the liveries showing up for?
Mark - Just Flight
ah ok! I'll check that out, cheers.
Yup I was stupid.....lol
In fairness, it looked like the row was the top row, but if only I tried to scroll up!