Annoying Camera-Reset in VR after switching stations
Playing in VR is very immersive. But there's an annoying effect, when you switch between the stations (1st and 2nd pilot, AEO and Navigator).
The virtual VR-Camera-position is resetted and you have allways to readjust your seating position and height inside the cockpit. This seems to change randomly within certain tolerances but you never come back to the original VR-position. That's annoying and an immersion-killer.Based on the fact that you have to change stations very often, the addon should save the original VR-camera-position before the change and restore it, when coming back.
Perhaps a possible solution will come in the coming updates. That would be very desirable!
The AEO and Navigator's positions currently use Showcase "Fixed Camera" positions, however, we are investigating a method where we can assign these panels to "Internal" cameras instead, and that should improve the situation you are describing, as you will only be moving between two or three different "Internal" cameras then, rather than moving between "Internal" and "Showcase" cameras.
One method that may improve this for you in the short term is to open the MSFS Checklist Menu from the toolbar, and then click the 'eye' icon next to any of the items that are on the AEO or Navigator's panels. That will force the camera to the AEO or Navigator positions whilst still in the normal "internal" camera mode.
Mark - Just Flight