v1.8_ILS malfunction
Thanks for the great update. Flightmodel feels good and I like the new EFB-functions.
However I dont get the ILS to work like before.- Glideslope indicator doesnt work on the analogue instrument. On the Garmin device the glideslope shows up fine, and is giving adequate info that you can follow to the rwy- However....
- The lateral guidance is not working. It shows some sort of guridance, but not to the rwy. It is the same on both the Garmin device and the analogue instrument.
I apologize in advance if the problem is on my side, but I have been using ILS in the Hawk a lot before with no issues, so I am pretty shure something is not right :)
@martyn I flew several airports and had issues with ILS, glideslope not showing up and lateral navaid showing wrong path. One of the airports I flew and had these issues was ICAO ENZV (Sola airport, Norway).
I tried again today, and did some testing, Funny enough the lateral navaid was all good today, and at startup I even had GS showing up correctly, se added screenshot. I then found out that if I input a direct-to airport in the Garmin, the moment I activate direct-to button, the glidslope disappears and will not come back no matter what I do, except restart session (not sim). In the second added  screenshot you can see the red GS-flag and no working glideslope on the analogue gauge, while on the Garmin you see the green dot on the glideslope as expected.
I am sorry I was not able to replicate the issue with the lateral navaid, hopefully it was just a random "glitch". But the glideslope issue is kind of anoying, as it seems to appear as soon as you activly use the GPS. -
@martyn Sorry forgot to give you details. I was using ILS rwy 36 with freq 111.35.
For some reason I dont seem to be able to upload screenshots. Just get an error message.
Here is a link to my google-disk- Screenshot after inputting direct-to airport, GS missing on analogue gauge: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uGoo2aJa1ee2S6N0l48DVmEAFFTQ2UFa/view?usp=sharing
- Screenshot before inputting direct-to airport: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eMb7nqBLMs6eudOxuokfplIrRwF0kLKE/view?usp=sharing
@martyn Here is another one. Landing at ICAO ENBR rwy 17 with ILS freq 109.9. Glideslope not working on analogue gauge, but works fine on Garmin. Lateral navaid guiding me significantliy off to the right of the rwy. Weird thing is I did another landing before this, where the lateral guiding was fine. Havent experienced this kind of problem before, not in the Hawk nor in other planes.
(Note. I am on stable MSFS 20, not beta testing)
Screenshot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p0MW3psEv00uifLKRZ9gyat-5AGCj_yE/view?usp=sharingPS: From the screenshot above, I did a "missed approach" and when heading back to the rwy it turned out that the lateral navaid was guiding complete oposite from what it should. When I was on the correct approach path, the ILS was right on the center. If I was to the right of the path, the ILS was telling me to go further right. If I was to the left, the ILS was telling me to go further to the left. From what I have experienced so far, this problem is not consistent, but happens only with the Hawk.
@martyn Sorry for all the replies. But I found out what is propably the bug. When I choose a "Direct-to" waypoint, as soon as I hit "activate direct to", the lateral navaid switches from showing the ILS, to showing the GPS direction (even though the navmode-selctor is set to Localizer). This happens on the lateral indicator on both the Garmin and the analogue gauge.
At the same time the glideslope indicator stops working on the analogue gauge, while the glideslope indicator on the Garmin show correct info.
Hope this is understandable.