No APU bleed air off the ground.
I was in cruise in the F28 and I had forgotten to change my throttle profile from a GA plane. I nudged a wheel on my throttle by accident (that I think was set to a prop setting) and it turned both the fuel valves to "Shut" and killed the engines. I tried starting up the APU and it wouldn't, but then I remembered reading somewhere that they won't start too high or too cold, so I descended until it did start. But then it wouldn't produce ANY bleed air all the way to the ground and it seems there is nothing I could do to change that. I followed an engine out checklist but it didn't seem to help. The thing that makes me question if it's a bug of some kind is that literally the SECOND the wheels touched the ground the bleed air kicked in immediately. The temps, my ground speed, everything else was the same but 1 foot off the ground meant no bleed air and on the ground meant working fine. I'm just wondering if this is something that I am doing wrong, or if it is something wrong with the plane? Obviously this isn't something I'd intend to make a habit of, lol, it was an accident. Oh, and I seriously love this addon!! Thanks.