TDSXi GTN option?
From our perspective, we are holding off adding any other GPS options until we're 100% happy that the WT GNS and custom UNS-1 FMS are working as intended.
We've had all sorts of challenges supporting multiple GPS options in our PA28s so we're a bit wary of introducing all those to the much more complex F28, but it's something that we'd like to do eventually.
@eker there are a lot of things were not meant to be at time when airplane was rolled out factory TCAS would be one of them. Now days nothing can fly without GPS. From GPS fixes to RNP/LPV approaches - GPS is no longer luxury it's is necessity .
This is always a tricky subject when using a plane from an age gone by in the modern world, but I always see this as a challenge to take on and is why I love planes like the F28, 146, DC-6 etc. and accept the challenge of using them as intended with the methods of the time. There are still many approaches that can be utilised despite the decline in the old navaids we know and love.
Aircraft like these are not for everyone but adding flexibility of an FMS or GPS does potentially get more people to fly them and appreciate them where they would otherwise ignore them.
For me, I would never really use a GPS or FMS in them but can understand why some need these options.
All personal preference and it is good that JF try and assist with this by offering the GPS and FMS options they do.
Enjoy the F28 whichever way you need to.
Planes do get updated over time. I enjoy GPS and VOR guided flights. It would be super if this plane had options similar to the Analog series Just Flight did. If it had better options than the 530 say the GTN-750 I would have my 1000 and 2000 radios only, 3000 and 4000 the GTN750. Just gives some variety and ability to make longer flights without going to the bathroom....we don't actually have co-pilots in the
Anyway I use the 530 but I hate it. The Embraer had it when it came out. They finally offered the option for the GTN750 and changed my whole outlook on the plane.
@eker GPS, as I said earlier, is necessary until the UNS-1 is released. The F28 absolutely used an FMS as NDBs and VORs were and are being phased out and in many places are unavailable. Places where the F28 provided services. As I indicated earlier, Alaska and Canada saw a lot of F28 service and needed GPS/FMS to navigate in their time. So while I’m all in favor of keeping it real, you need to realize that FMS and GPS are just as “real” as the older systems. Especially in MSFS where we are dealing with the dying network of ground-based navaids that have had their power levels decreased significantly as they are seen as unused.
Hope JF install something close to original GPS.
Strange how they close VORs -
Back in the old days GPS in 737/767 was secondary and could fly with unservicable GPS.
GPS is controlled by military and can be moved/shut down.
While VOR is controlled by civil authority.
Up in Northern Norway Russian occasionally jam GPS - Widerøe have to navigate by old school VOR causing delays. -
@eker until very recently, the 737 and 767 ran on an INS. Not a GPS. So this makes no sense at all. Russians weren’t jamming INS
No doubt (qualified guess) F28 used the same INS system as Fokker F50. (licensed tech course on F50).
Calibrating updating INS during flight, the system preferred at least 2 DME for triangular calculation, secondary VOR direction. Least preferred was GPS. Great to pinpoint a place on earth but not altitude. The slant range is better with DME/VOR calculation for altitude.For me - I keep the F28 as is - and wait for F70 and F100.