Can't Change AP pitch
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I'm having some problems with the AP
When I select GPS the autopilot is not able to sustain level flight. For example. When I select FL 280, the autopilot passes that level and I have to play a bit with the yoke so that it can be more or less close to the level of flight that I want. but it's hard to fly like that.
It may be that sometimes I select the type of flap and the V1/Vr for takeoff in the first officer's panel (I'm investigating)
It could possibly be due to a tail strike, sometimes the winds are so strong that I hit the runway gently and this can happen (I'm investigating)
all this could be a coincidence or just my F28 sometimes doesn't like to fly lol
Have the same issue here...
There's a fix or not yet?
Thank you guys ! With the 1.2 there's no more issue with the pitch !
I beg to differ... this version did not fix my AP pitch issue.
When the AP is in pitch mode, the pitch trim does not respond correctly to changes from the AP pitch trim switch. When the switch is activated, the pitch wheel will move as directed, but when the switch is released, the trim wheel will move back to where it started. This is the same for trying to change pitch in either direction.
What gives? I am open to being better educated about this if necessary, but I'm really surprised this wasn't fixed. See posts 3 and 4 in this thread. That's still the problem.
Hi,When you keep the PITCH INC/DEC switch constantly pressed, does pitch change? Let's say for example you are flying leveled (0 VS) , set PITCH mode, hold switch INC position until vertical speed reaches 2000 ft/min, then release the switch and vertical speed returns to 0? Pitch trim gauge & wheel perform a bit different with or without GNS enabled, but it should not affect the target pitch (VS) you are selecting.
@taguilo Yes, the pitch is changing as commanded with the switch, but the wheel always goes back to where it started.
I have never used the GPS with this airplane.
I will consider myself better educated, Taguilo, and go on about flying! Thanks.
One more piece of information... I just did a short flight where I took off and engaged AP at 2000 ft. , climbed to FL180 at 280 kts, then descended for landing and disengaged AP at 2000 ft. and 180 kts. The small pointer on the captain's trim wheel never moved from the C in "climb".
Still have this bug from when I last reported it as well. Was really hoping it'd be fixed in the latest update. But as Veeze says you can move the switch but the moment you let it go it snaps back to what it was previously.
@Veeze @Melon Can you confirm that when you move the PITCH control the aircraft's pitch on the ADI increases/decreases in the same direction that you move the control, and it then maintains the new pitch once the control is released? If so then the system is working as intended.
When holding the PITCH controller forward or aft the trim wheel will move in the respective direction as it's trimming the aircraft nose up/nose down to achieve the new pitch angle. Once the PITCH controller is returned to neutral, the aircraft will maintain the new pitch angle, and the trim wheel will move back to somewhere close to its original position as that will be the stabilizer trim required to keep the aircraft at that pitch angle.
Mark - Just Flight
@mark Initially it snapped back to level flight the moment I'd let it go, but cycling the AP on and off seems to have fixed it. Although when I got down to the ILS intercept it did want to nose dive quite hard, like run away trim or something.
Elevator trim up/down on my system is a big problem. It doesn't move up or down evenly. First there's no movement and then after a while too much. Sometimes just nothing. I cannot handfly the plane like that. What a pity. This can't be the real thing. After take-off I almost dropped from the sky because I couldn't get that trim going. Same thing with the numbers 1 and 7 on the numberpad. Please fix this. Otherwise a great plane, Iove it. Very immersive. Thank you.
@christoph4445 said in Can't Change AP pitch:
Please fix this.
If you contact Just Flight support we can look into it for you.
Same issue here still!
@eurostar373driver said in Can't Change AP pitch:
Same issue here still!
If you contact Just Flight support we can look into it for you.