take offs and landing opposite
not sure if it's something in my setup, I'm using simbrief to set up my flight plan, but the problem is that aircraft taking and landings are in opposite directions
ie I'm at ELLX FStraffic and FS2020 ATC direct traffic to ta
xi and take off from runway 06, but the fstraffic aircraft coming in to land are landing in the opposite direction, ie landing on rwy 24
how to i fix this so that landings and takeoffs are the same -
@hunterdouglas I have the same problem and noticed this at EDDF when the wind comes from certain directions. Traffic was using the runways for both landings and takeoffs at the same time in opposite directions. Not sure if it's FS Traffic related, it could also be an issue with how the Sim (Asobo) controls the traffic.
hunterdouglasreplied to deepsky on 2 Jun 2023, 23:58 last edited by hunterdouglas 2 Jun 2023, 23:59
@deepsky There has got to be an answer/fix for this one, surely the developers/testers have seen it before. They cant leave it like this where landings and take offs are head to head and crashing into each other on the runways
@hunterdouglas Absolutely, it's an immersion breaker. However, if this specific error is for Asobo to fix, I'm not very confident that that will happen soon as the Sim has been out for nearly 3 years and the AI experience has always been poor. It just seems AI traffic isn't a priority for Asobo.
This should be Asobo's problem since everyone besides FS traffic users experiences this. From my experience, this happens if the wind direction reverses at your destination airport during your flight. For example, if you start with a plan assigning RWY36 as landing runway (automatically), but wind becomes 180 during your flight, then ATC would still assign RWY36 for you and other AIs to land, but assign RWY18 as takeoff runway.
This is just based on my own observation, but it should be for Asobo to fix it.
Yes @deepsky is correct on this one. I noticed the issue at KLAX whilst testing just the other day. I've never been able to find an exact pattern as to when it happens. There's quite a few discussion of this issue amongst others on the official MSFS forum. What AI does once its been injected is mostly in the hands of the sim and closely linked to the ATC system which still has quite a few bugs.
John - JF
We have seen several updates now by Asobo, but the problem of takeoffs/landing in opposite directions still exists, are they looking into this problem or has it been thrown into the too hard basket