Teleporting / "travel to" and AI traffic
Hi everyone. For those of you who fly medium / long haul, but don't want to sit in front of your sim for hours, how do you make your descent, approach and landing look as realistic as possible in terms of AI traffic?
Using the "travel to" or speeding up the sim rate means (in my experience) that FS Traffic doesn't generate traffic in or around the arrival airport. Has anyone got a workaround?
I did some flights recently where I did spawn in the air with pmdg 737 approx. 25 minutes before landing. No destination in worldmap was given.
As soon as I was in the cockpit and stabilized the plane I opened the fstraffic ingame menu. There was no destination there (as I said, none was given in worldmap), I entered my destination, confirmed and when I arrived/approached, I had traffic at my destination with arrivals and departures!So maybe(!!) you could do something similar, like: don't set your destination in worldmap, do your flight (including time-compression) and 30 minutes before landing (not before!) you enter the destination. I keep fingers crossed ;-)