Avionics master switch “A” not working
I just purchased the 146 professional and I’ve watched many different training videos on the start procedure. Every single training video that I watch has you turn on the avionics master switch A and B. The A is not working for any of the different variance of aircraft. It’s just stuck in the off position. I can press on it as many times as I want, and it will not move. Therefore none of the radios or FMS or navigation and primary flight instruments will come alive! I searched all of the form to see if anyone else was having the same problem. Couldn’t find the same issue! Am I doing something wrong? Can someone please help me with this?
Airhop -
@airhop Only thing I can think of is that in MSFS one of the keybinds is Avionics master - it sounds like that may be hard off and over-riding the plane. Check whatever peripherals you have in the controls section and see how it's managed.
Good luck.