Firstly congratulations again and many thanks for the latest update, which looks wonderful in DX12 with the latest version of MSFS.
I have experienced a few minor and infrequent issues which I share only in the hope that they may assist in fault finding and rectification:
IAS on the autopilot selection seems to be intermittent, approx. 60% of the time it works perfectly and then it seems to stop working and the autopilot reverts to vertical speed mode. My fault as pilot, I go to make a cup of coffee and come back to find the aircraft at 160 kts and on the verge off stick shaker operation.
On occasions when loaded I have to click well to the left of all buttons and switches, including the FMC buttons in order for them to register. On the autopilot buttons this means clicking on the button to the left of the one you need. Reloading the aircraft resolves this issue.
I have experienced the odd CTD after attempting to make a selection on the EFB. Sudden pause, loss of sound and CTD.
I have a Navigraph chart subscription, and on some flights I have to input the Navigraph code several times in order for this system to work, and it seems to drop out during the flight and need to be re input.
I'm finding take offs and landings more challenging since the latest MSFS update, in crosswind conditions, even very light winds of 5-10 kts. This may well be MS attempting to make their weather system more realistic, and failing again. I use FSUIPC to fine tune the rudder controls, but still find the rudder a little too sensitive for my big feet....
It may be my imagination but it seems as if the nice lady in the cabin is saying "The seatbelt signs have now been switch OFF" even when they have just been switched on?
Carry on the good work and I am looking forward to the release of the RJ.
@galeair Thanks for your feedback. I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying the 146.
Given the nature of these issues, if you haven't already done so, please submit a support ticket so we can properly investigate these: https://support.justflight.com/support/tickets/new
I also greatly enjoy the 146 especially after the update.
If I may, here are my experiences in regard to some of galeair's issues,
I have never had a problem with IAS mode.
I almost always descend with the tms in descent mode with throttles at idle and I never had an IAS drop out or speed change.
I usually climb in tgt or mct mode and again the speed never changes during the climb and IAS never drops off.
Of course, in level flight IAS is meaningless as the 146 has no auto throttle.Navigraph has also been rock solid. Never had an issue.
Maybe a removal and reinstall might solve some of your issues.
Happy flying
Thank you for the reply. I have always installed the newer versions without uninstalling the originals, assuming that the installation process will take care of everything. I will try uninstalling and reinstalling the latest version now and report back, and then file a support ticket if necessary.
Many thanks
@lancealotg Same experience for me. One of the most solids simulations if I compare the 4 bigs from the last months. IAS, AP, descend mode, everythig working as expected.
It is by far the airplane I enjoy the most in MSFS.
@galeair try to delete all you installed previously and install it again. It has to work. It is really a joy to fly.
Thanks to JF Team for this jewel.