Pressurization question
First the first time yesterday I decided to activate ''State saving'' on the aircraft ... During my flight today I notice that my pressurization system was not working at all in the air even if my altitude is set correctly on it ... pressure stayed at ground level even if I was flying at 29'000 ft. Don't know if it's related to that ''State saving'' or not but I followed the checklist as usual.
For people with more knowloedge than me what can cause the pressurization system to stay at ground pressure and not pressurizing the aircraft ?
Thx :)
I know this is an old post but I just had the same thing happen to me. I normally shut everything down after I'm done, but I wanted to do a "turnaround," so yesterday after landing I did everything but the Leaving the Aircraft checklist and quit MSFS normally.
I started up today and everything seemed as it should have been, except I noticed on the ground the pressurization gauge pegged at -2000fpm. I thought perhaps it was an artifact of the doors being opened, so I went on my way.
At a few thousand feet I noticed that the cabin was rising at a normal rate, but the pressure was pegged at -2000ft and only the delta was rising. Everything normal, no failures (did a Repair All from the EFB anyway), even going to manual pressurization and fully opening the valves doesn't change cabin altitude.
Using the 300QT with a third party livery.
I did the same thing; follow the EFB checklists through the Shutdown but not the Leaving Aircraft, and quit to menu then the sim. Restarted the sim and loaded into the plane, and I saw the pressurization gauge pegged at -2000fpm, but this time only briefly before it went back to zero.
I was unable to coax the 146 into pressurizing on the ground, but I did an abbreviated rush job just to get airborne and right off the ground the cabin altitude starting rising as it should be.