Co-Pilot callouts
Is there a way to force the co-pilot callouts to happen? Because half the time, especially if I am doing back to back legs they don't seem to activate. Is there something you need to do (or can do) specifically to trigger them?
I am experiencing the same thing. On the first leg they work fine. On any subsequent legs (unless I completely shut down the sim), they don’t work.
Yes, I'm also seeing this if you just spawn into a location in the air to practice shooting an approach.
@bburkley It's a common problem. MSFS needs to have some way of telling the sim that you are doing back-to-back flights, and to reset anything as necessary, such as the AI co-pilot, which I sometimes use when in a plane that does not have an autopilot and I have to step away. It always wants to go back to the original airport, LOL.
Confirm - on 2nd leg I did not get the TMS set, thrust set and ILS messages
@dreadnought1906 It doesn't need to be MSFS telling you have another flight when talking about the callouts in this 146: After AGL = 0 and Speed = 0 you could program the system to reset the callouts. Seems that isn't done in this plane so we do not get callouts for the 2nd and following flights. The AI of MSFS is another discussion :D
@b3lt3r I didn't get them on my first leg today. I was a bit loosey goosey with the setup and did a couple things out of order (trying to see how I'd go doing it from memory), so I wonder if for them to trigger you have to do something at a specific time during setup.
There is reset logic to allow for multiple legs in one session. All the engines need to be shutdown, the parking brake engaged and the main passenger door (door 1L) opened. I will check that's working as intended and fix it in v0.1.3 if not.
There are various triggers/checks for the callouts but the key one to remember is switching on the navigation, strobe and landing lights for takeoff.
@martyn Oh so take off calls are tied to the Strobe/lLnding/Nav lights? Hmm, might explain why I didn't get callouts, I had thought I had turned the Strobe on but had miss clicked and turned it on after take off. I didn't get any calls on landing though, unless the trigger is something different?
Yes, you'll need to switch on the strobe and landing lights prior to starting the takeoff roll to trigger the callouts.
Unfortunately it's challenging to come up with a reliable trigger method but it's likely that failing to meet the takeoff trigger conditions will result in no further callouts for that flight as the aircraft won't have detected the takeoff and thus won't be checking for cruise, approach and landing phases of flight.
@Martyn What are the conditions for the approach callouts? I've had to do some missed approaches while I figure out how to slow the plane down, and I only ever get localizer armed/alive, etc., callouts the first time around. Is that something that can be reset mid flight?