RMI not working?
We're reliant on the MSFS VOR/DME and NDB simulation, including range and line-of-sight constraints.
In the case of KFBG, I've tuned in the FAY VOR/DME (114.85) and it shows correctly on both the HSI and RMI as I climb through approximately 400ft AGL. I can also get indications to the POB NDB (338) on the RMI at the same time. The POB TACAN (113.80) won't work as the aircraft can't tune TACANs. This is all with the Navigraph MSFS database installed and v1.2 of the 146.
@martyn Couple of questions?
when I want to tune an NDB - that is done on the ADF 1 & 2 panel? I have never seen the needle point on the RMI when I set either/both RMI options to ADF instead of the usual VOR.
I was trying with the RTT NDB set to 303.0 on ADF1 & 2 on a 26 approach to LOWI and never saw the needle point or any DME info for that.
This was with latest Navigraph update
@b3lt3r You need to tune the NDB on the ADF panel located on the aft centre console, make sure the mode knob is rotated to the ADF position and then select ADF on the RMI. These screenshots show me tuning in the RTT NDB and getting the correct indications on the RMI:
@martyn Thank you very much for the detailed response, much appreciated. I was doing it exactly like that but both needles were frozen. I'm about to spawn into LOWI so will recheck shortly. Based on another related thread, I did try and re-install the Navigraph airac last night so will see what happens now.
Love this plane.... You and the team did excellent work
@martyn While I was in flight, I ran a few tests from 30,000 feet, so ground range isn't an issue. I tuned into NDBs and VORs no more than 10-20 miles away.
- NAV1 Seems to work correctly. I get it both on the HSI and RMI, and DME reads correctly.
- NAV2 appears completely useless. Nothing I do can make it appear on any instrument. How do you activate NAV2?
- I tuned a couple of beacons on ADF1 and ADF2, and both dials are on ADF. I get nothing out of the RMI, after switching either/both bottom corner buttons to ADF. Funny enough, I do remember it working in Jersey for the tutorial flight.
Any ideas?
Edit: I did all these in NAV mode, not RNAV.
@dreadnought1906 Did you click the center dial on Nav 2 to turn it on?
@dreadnought1906 Unfortunately no, my experience with the ADF consists entirely of the tutorial flight, which worked for me like you said it did you.
They're rare in the States as the FAA has decided that when they break they're to be decommissioned instead of fixed, so I've limited myself to VOR only flying.
If I end finding one and giving it a try I'll report back.
@dreadnought1906 I loaded up into 1H0 in the US, it's right next to to a NDB. I tuned 227 on both receivers and it's pointing to it. I don't have any sound coming from it, though, dunno if that's an issue or not.
I too was confused about VOR2 - never seemed to be able to get an indication. Funnily enough I could control it through a SpadNext gauge I have which manages NAV1 and 2... If I tuned on there, the co-pilot VOR worked as expected but the RMI did not aside from showing DME.
Now I know there is an on switch - undoubtedly mentioned but missed by me in the manual :-) - I shall try that when I get home.
This plane is a beast but my goodness, what fun...