Tca throttle settings still not right.
Still cant get the TCA throttle correctly alligned, right now it requires me to pull throttle into reverse thrust position to get thrust to 0. I have changed the neautrallity to ensure the curve looks normal but dont want to start fiddling with the sensitivity too much so wondered if anyone had managed to get it right already?
@foxtrot-ostrich They added a new option to the .ini file located here: YourCommunityFolderLocation\justflight-aircraft-146\Data
In JF_146.ini, try adding this if it isn't already there:
THR_LATCH=1If it's there but set to 0, set it to 1.
@jmarkows hi, i added the lines because they werent there but its made no difference, do i have to run the layout through a layout generator for this to take affect I wonder? also wondering why those lines wouldnt be there if theyve added them. Ive redownloaded the latest version today. Thanks for the reply.
@foxtrot-ostrich same here not seeing the changes in the .ini and the ini still showing the first version.
@foxtrot-ostrich so I got my TCA throttles to work perfectly now. I just flipped the two brackets on the back to first take out the detents and then unlocked the reverse range with the little switch so the two tabs that are pulled to go into reverse range on the throttles don’t have to be pulled.
@jamieleon1 appreciate the work arpund but hopefully theyre working on a fix
@foxtrot-ostrich Note that this isn't the JF_146.ini file located in the aircraft package folder (i.e. the only that lives in the 'Community' folder), instead it's this one:
@martyn just seen that message. I have been through the works trying to find this folder. Following your route takes me to works folder which contains a single notepad file titled userinfo which containes licence details of myself and thats it.
hi im having the same problem is there any fix?
I have the RJ, 146, and F28 and I am unable to use any of them due to this. I did go into the work .ini file on all of them and changed the hardware from 0 - 1 while the sim was off and clicked save. However it did nothing to solve the issue. Ive read through basically all the TCA posts and have found no other solutions. Any help would be much appreciated.
@Teslaboyo The THR_LATCH parameter in the JF_146.ini simply flips the direction of the fuel lever control assignment based on the number entered (0 or 1), so it'll typically work one way or the other.
If you're having throttle issues with that parameter set to 0 and 1, then that would suggest there may be other control assignment conflicts at play.
If you're able to supply more information on the behaviour you are seeing (and ideally a video), then we can take a look to see if there may be something else playing a factor.
Mark - Just Flight
Just a thought here, nothing more, but have you checked to make sure that your .ini is not set to Read Only access? If it is, uncheck it, otherwise it will not save any changes you make to the .ini file