Landing light woes..
I am fairly sure this is a SIM problem as well as having minimal lighting at night at airstrips. Take Roswell NM for instance. I cannot see anything at night and can barley see the taxi yellow line. I cannot even see the Marshall unless I am right next to them. My question is this, is there is something I can do on my end <modify> to increase the strength/range of the landing light to compensate? just FYI, I fly only VR with the Reverb G2.
Kind Regards,
Below is a pic for reference. I see these 2 config files, LIGHT_PA28R_Landing.fx and LIGHT_PA28R_vLanding.fx, is there a specific parameter that will increase the range?
Kind Regards,
@tacobandito Apologies for the late reply.
You would need to increase the 'Intensity=' value found in the 'LIGHT_PA28R_Landing.fx' and 'LIGHT_PA28R_vLanding.fx' effect files (\justflight-aircraft-pa28-turboarrow\effects)
Thanks! With some help from WeptBurrito I was able to make adjustments to those files. There are some before and after screenshots in this thread.