Trouble using/understanding a few features
So far, I'm loving the plane. I don't have any RL experience flying it (or anything else, for that matter), so I have been combing the manual trying to learn everything I can about it. I'm not sure if these are issues with me or the model. I should be using version 2.0 since that's what's listed on the JF download page.
ADF: The ANT selector, according to the manual, should allow me to hear the identifying information of the tuned NDB, but the pointer should snap to the 90 degree position. It doesn't. It continues to point to the station, almost as if there's no difference between ANT and BFO modes. ADF mode continues to provide a bearing without any audio.
Primer: The primer is always locked for me. I've tried searching everywhere on how to unlock it, but I can't find it mentioned anywhere in the manual (the tutorial flight just mentions making sure it's locked, and the normal ops section just gives a use case), and the one hint I've had came from a video review of the plane where he talks about using the mouse wheel to rotate and unlock it. The mouse wheel doesn't do anything for me, though. I can turn various knobs and whatnot using the mouse wheel, but no matter how I move the cursor over the primer (pointer or turn cursors) or even click it and then try to scroll, it never budges.
Auto Audio Select: How exactly does Auto work? Does it only work for Com1 and Com2, or will it auto select Speaker vs Phone for the Navs and DME, as well?
Saitek/Logitech Panels: For the most part they work with the stock drivers. On the radio panel, everything seems to work except for DME, where instead of being able to select the DME tuning on the radio panel, it instead displays the airspeed and distance on the panel. I am just realizing that I may have had it in RMT instead of FREQ, so that may be a me problem, I will have to check. I can't seem to start the engine using the magneto select on the switch panel, it seems that it turns the switch from Start to Both too fast and it's not enough for the engine to catch.
I will understand if the answer is "it's hopelessly broken because we use lvars," as I'm finally starting to learn the limitations of the stock driver support from other add ons, I just wanted to double check.
G100: Just confirming that there is no input functionality with it; you can't actually Go To any of the nearby waypoints or airports or change your route, it's just strictly information only. I believe I read elsewhere on here that this is a MSFS limitation.
Thanks for the help. I apologize if any of this seems picayune, I've just been poking and prodding everything to learn how it works and I want to make sure I'm understanding it. I've done a few touch and goes and the tutorial flight, as well as tinkering on the ground.
EDIT: I'm also seeing that Nav1 audio "bug." On the tutorial flight, when I tuned Nav1 to 116.4 for the DTY VOR, if I select Nav1 I won't hear anything, but I will if I turn DME audio on. I believe I tried Nav2 and was able to hear it with Nav2 audio switched on.
I placed myself nearby in a stock steam C172 and had the same results.