Hi Guys,
Since purchasing the Warrior I am having a weird issue..
If I use the toe brakes, it also activates the parking brake (Although the parking brake animation still is in the off position) and the only way to get her moving again is to put the parking brake on then release and I can then move until the next time I use the brakes.
Any ideas please?
Try applying the brakes using the default keyboard key [Num DEL], and use [CTRL] + [Num DEL] to toggle the parking brake. Also, look at the command assignments you have on your rudder pedals or joystick buttons if you are appplying the brakes with those.
For rudder pedals you should assign LEFT BRAKE AXIS and RIGHT BRAKE AXIS to the toe brakes.
I had the same problem till I ticked the Reverse option in control assignments for left and right Brake. This bought it all back to normal for me