buy for P3d or X-Plane?
Hey, Folks,
Not looking to start a sim vs sim flame war, so please refrain.
I've gone through the product descriptions, etc. and noted some of the differences presumably due to sim capabilities.
Fact is I still fly P3D just about as much as X-Plane (it basically comes down to which plane I want to fly), but since this one is now available for both sims, I'm wondering if anyone has any hands-on advice (e.g., you have JF products on both sims) on which might be better.
Or simply curious if this one has been satisfying for you so far.
For me, flight model "feel" is the paramount concern. My favorite P3D add-ons are A2A, MilViz Advanced, & Majestic mainly for that reason. Conventional wisdom would push me towards the X-Plane version for that reason, but I dislike making assumptions.
Any thoughts/advice welcome.
I am with you on this, I am feeling the x-plane version has more features, when comparing the descriptions, the FMS will be updated on the x-plane version as well beyond the default currently used and then X-planes simulation model, including its better ground taxiing characteristics. I've also heard the VR experience is so suppose to be great too on XP.
I think x-plane maybe the winner here. Not something I say very often...
I agree that Thranda did an outstanding job with the 146. I personally prefer XP11 as the flight handling in the sim feels more realistic to me, but in the end you have the choice to get the version which suits you best
It's sad the P3D version has apparently been abandoned. No update since 5 months (e.g. still G/S issues), also the promised FMC update is still missing.
I have been really supportive regarding the 146 and have recommended it everywhere half a year ago. That outcome however was not foreseeable.
I will keep that in mind for further JustFlight purchases.Mike
The last update for the P3D version was in January. It only came out on 28th November. Details are here:
Still waiting for traffic at about an update for that ICAO code
@PVJ I can't decide between X-Plane and P3D either - what kind of differences have you noticed between two versions?
@Derek said in buy for P3d or X-Plane?:
The last update for the P3D version was in January. It only came out on 28th November. Details are here:
And the next P3D update is in progress and due for release soon.
Worth pointing out again that our P3D and XP11 dev teams are entirely separate, so work on one version has no direct bearing on the other.
@Martyn said in buy for P3d or X-Plane?:
And the next P3D update is in progress and due for release soon.
thx for the hint. looking forward to this update :-)
This post is deleted!
Sadly I still couldn't make my mind on this. I like P3D more, but many people point out that X-Plane version is better. Is there a list of differences for both versions? X-Plane version is also $10 cheaper, and I feel like it will receive more love from the developers compared to the P3D version. There's also an upcoming Avro RJ version for X-Plane, while nothing is announced for P3D, at least that I know of. I guess X-Plane has more priority than P3D right now.
Actually the Avro RJ version will be for both P3D and XP
@JoeNuts Really? I couldn't find any announcement about the P3D version, could you give a link?
@BiologicalNanobot These pics were made in P3D. JF would never drop P3d ;)
BiologicalNanobotreplied to JoeNuts on 12 May 2021, 11:04 last edited by BiologicalNanobot 12 May 2021, 11:09
@JoeNuts I hope you are right. Seeing how 146 for X-Plane gets a lot more love, it is hard to feel so. But feelings can often be irrational, and I know that Just Flight is working on it, so I still have my hopes.
@Martyn said in buy for P3d or X-Plane?:
@Derek said in buy for P3d or X-Plane?:
The last update for the P3D version was in January. It only came out on 28th November. Details are here:
And the next P3D update is in progress and due for release soon.
Hi Martyn,
that was end of April. What happened to that update ?
is there still anyone out there ?