TAS/GS weirdness
I have tested those values but I have an excessive RoC at around 1300fpm at 90knots at 2200lbs. (sea level)
EDIT: I just noticed I had a rapid headwind increase during initial climb-out, so disregard last transmission, will test in calm conditions ;)
Tested in calm conditions with the values mentioned by BernieV but I find the RoC way too high (above 1200fpm) with full throttle and full prop (these are the values used in the performance manual reference, they might not be used in reality but that's the only reference we have).
@set3times Are you testing at full gross weight (2750 lbs)? I suspect not.
Just a quick question before I open a ticket, maybe someone can confirm this issue since the situation is basically impossible with the stock performance anyway:
When flying straight leveled with autopilot HDG and ALT HOLD on, say at 5000ft with full throttle and rpm, once reaching the yellow range of the IAS scale, my aircraft starts to jitter up and down with a very small deflection and high frequency.
From the cockpit you can see this by the sun visors rattling and from the external view you can see the whole aircraft jitter/rattle with very tiny deflection and high frequency.It is almost like it's an overspeed indication but the way it looks it's more like a glitch.
I have also noticed this "buffeting" behavior when the flaps are down... I think JF should look into it, so please open a ticket.
Tested the performance without any modifications now with 0.3.0, I get a TAS close to book numbers.
Still the TAS scale seems to be off (showing 5kts less than real TAS for me) and now the altitude scale is set in a way that one cannot dial lower altitudes to the correct temperature since the scale starts with 0ft at the far left and cannot be dialed to the right.
Nevertheless, first impression of the performance now looks better to me. Climb performance was also realistic from what I can check on the charts.We're getting there :)
Makes sense.
new values are
fuel_flow_scalar =0.65
parasite_drag_scalar =0.81
induced_drag_scalar =1.7These might match the real aircraft better, seeing as "book" can be optimistic unless engine is in tiptop condition.
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but is it correct that the markings on the TAS scale count by 20 until 140 and then by 10 (i.e. 100, 120, 140, 150, 160 ...)? This doesn't seem right (and it wasn't like this before) but maybe it is actually correct.
Also, if I'm not mistaken, TAS=IAS at ISA, which (i think) is when the 0's are lined up on the top of the TAS wheel, which is not the case in v0.3.0