AIRAC data 2101 not updating
Hi Guys,
As you can see in the FMC, the AIRAC data will remain on December 2020 .....?
I just updated the AIRAC to version 2101 but the FMC will remain on December 2020 ....
I have tried options like the Navigraph FMS Data Manager and the separate install file from Navigraph.
But when the data didn't change, I just started posting a message in this forum ....Who knows what to do?
You need to point the AIRAC update to the sim folder wherever yours is.
Hi Alan,
Thank you for the reply!
I think the problem was that both of my installations (P3D v4.5 and P3Dv5.1) where in the C:\Users\Yourname\Documents\Prepar3D v5 or v4.5 Add-ons folder.......
Now i have installed them direct in de Sim folder and the problem is solved.....!This may require some investigation because I like to have my "Add-ons" in my Add-ons folder.....If possible....