Auto Land misses runway.
@HighBypass Sorry, you're right, despite all the checks the GS indicator in FSX version's artificial horizon got missed. I will correct it in a future update. Flight Director working fine here though so not sure why you're having issues with it, it's all correctly animated and switchable.
@DC1973 Thanks for the reply. I shall investigate further, but I'm sure I didn't see any needles moving around on the artificial horizon; I presume I should see a yellow cross? :worried_face:
@HighBypass FD purposefully is not represented in the AH to keep things somewhat simpler for newcomers. FD will track a flight plan as long as you're in GPS mode.
@DC1973 said in Auto Land misses runway.:
FD purposefully is not represented in the AH to keep things somewhat simpler for newcomers.
AHH! I SEE! Or rather don't see any arrows LOL! :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: Thank you for the info. I can now get on with doing some more flights.:smiling_face_with_sunglasses:
Indeed she does follow a flightplan (no issues with that aspect!) EDIT: Even from my first trip across the Atlantic. :thumbs_up:
Cheers. -
@DC1973 Interesting. A Flight Director makes it simpler for newcomers, especially when hand flying.
@SpeedbirdCanada It was more a reference to having less clutter on the display to be honest. The ILS arrows provide descent information to a hand-flown ILS approach, while the FD can be viewed in the GPS screen if desired. Maybe I will add them in the next update though if folks would prefer to have them.
I am having that same similar problem here and this bird that keeps crashing way before the touch down spot on the runway when that "Auto Land" activates. Even de-activating the AP and increase throttle the bird keeps descending and cannot control it. Looking through the above post to see if a solution was issue.
I'm having the same problem, I've been simming since the early 80s and am fully conversant with the workings of FSX.
I've dealt with Just Flight for many years and this is the first aircraft I haven't been able to 'fix' myself (I've still got the first Concorde).
Hopefully there will be a fix soon.
Nigel Eighteen -
@nigel318 said in Auto Land misses runway.:
I'm having the same problem, I've been simming since the early 80s and am fully conversant with the workings of FSX.
I've dealt with Just Flight for many years and this is the first aircraft I haven't been able to 'fix' myself (I've still got the first Concorde).
Hopefully there will be a fix soon.
Nigel EighteenNot sure this is something that requires a fix over and above those applied already. Make sure you have the latest version of the software and if you are having problems your best bet would be to contact Just Flight support and they can look into it for you.
Already re-downloaded from the website, no change.
When you approach the glideslope at a set altitude the autopilot dives the nose into the ground. My solution is to approach as normal with ILS on and when the nose starts to dive I disengage the AltHold and trim back full (20).
The ILS keeps the runway bearing and I use the yoke to maintain the descent, disengaging the autopilot & autothrottle at 500 ft.
Not as good as full autoland but I'm prepared to put up with it as it is a lovely plane to fly..... -
@nigel318 said in Auto Land misses runway.:
PS - I've got about 80 aircraft in my FSX collection and all their autopilots work fine on ILS approaches.Which would suggest that it's worth contacting JF support. I am fairly sure the punters would have been beating the doors down by now if this didn't work. If you have a read through the thread you'll see this seems to be resolved for other users.