VR issues since update...
Just loaded the latest update, and am now struggling a bit in VR. Somehow, it has disabled the ability to do a cockpit zoom-in with the left mouse button. I've checked that it is still enabled in the options, but it just does nothing now. Also, positioning the mouse pointer to interact with the controls is ridiculously hard, particularly hiding the tablet, which requires tongue-out precision now.
Fantastic news. Thank you.
I've posted a hotfix here to avoid any delays for VR users - https://community.justflight.com/topic/1806/update-change-logs-edited-06-05-21
I think I must being a bit dense, because this link takes me to the change log but I can't find the hotfix download anywhere on the page?
Can someone point me in the right direction?
@jake_mazar The latest version is now available in your JF account so the hotfix zip has been removed.
@Martyn Many thanks for confirming