146 Professional compatibility with Saitek & Go-Flight Panels
Is the new 146 Professional compatible with Saitek & Go-Flight Panels?
Good question! We don't own a significant amount of hardware here so are limited to the feedback from our testers and customers. I'd expect there to be limited compatibility due to the extensive custom-coding on the 146 systems but it'd be good to get some feedback on that so we can improve compatibility.
Just bumping this post . Does anyone else have this aircraft? and do you have Go-Flight and Saitek panels? Do they work properly?
I have the Saitek/Logitech switch and radio panels. Radio panels work fine but the switch panels don’t seem to do anything by default.
I wonder if the Auto pilot works?
30 Nov 2020, 15:29
6 Dec 2020, 08:31