Getting a bit more traffic in v1.1.1.8
Posting this basically for interest only purely because I was curious to see if a previous workaround I had tried made any significant difference to the rather scant amount of traffic in TG v1.1.1.8.
The end result is an increase in compiled filesize of Traffic_Global_Airlines.bgl from the default 10.6Mb to 20.7Mb.
[the 'before' screenshots are using my FSX-SE installed airports, resulting in a compiled size of 12.6Mb, so not quite representative of TG default traffic]
EGKK before
EGKK after
EGLL before
EGLL after
KDEN before
KDEN after
This really quick and easy workaround was achieved by modifying FSXSE_airports.dat in C:\Users\ username \Documents\TrafficGlobal\compiler\airportData,
by recording a simple macro in Notepad++ to add all the GATE parking from KORD to all the airports (which inflates the file to around 149Mb!)Having only visited a few airports in the sim, I don't know for sure that it has made any significant difference, but I thought I'd share it here in case anyone was interested in a simple way to fill the virtual skies a bit more.
[Just make certain you make a backup of the original FSXSE_airports.dat first!]