KORD & TG Parking Issue
I had a problem at KORD using GSX. With Traffic Global installed at any ramp there, GSX only finds 4 usable spots and it is showing the airport as JFKC instead of KORD. There is a bgl file for this airport in the TG bgl folder. I found if I turn off TG Airport Facilities in my P3dv4.5 scenery I get all the normal parking spots back again at KORD. What does TG Airport Facilities do and what is the downside if I have it OFF?
Second question is for the JF forums, I see the Search icon at the top but it will not open when I click it. Does the Just Flight forums not have a search function? I am in the MS Edge browser at the time of this post.
Jerry -
Works in IE but not in Chrome or Edge. I suspect it never has but no-one's noticed up to now.