Airport coordinates wrong
The quick start in the FMS manual says:
Press the 2R or 3R line select key to copy one set of coordinates from the POS INIT page into the scratchpad, and then press the 4R line select key to input them into the SET IRS POS field.
When I press 2R, it appears that dummy coordinates are copied into the scratchpad instead of the coordinates of EHAM:
3R does nothing, since I can't seem to enter a gate. The manual makes it appear that this would be possible, but it appears to me, that there is not even any gate information in your navdata.
Thanks for raising this. You are correct that the navdata does not include gates so the FMS will not generate coordinates in that field. We will update the manual in the next RJ Professional update to reflect the FMS's behaviour in the simulator more closely.
Mark - Just Flight