AIRAC update for Xbox users?
Are there plans to update the RJ with an updated AIRAC for Xbox users? We struggled with the PMDG 737 until they worked to include a means to update using their Flight tablet. I hope something is in the works with Just Flight. I really love the RJ professional, but I’m concerned as time goes on not having a more recent AIRAC will become an issue. Thanks for great product!
We are currently investigating what possibilities exist with the latest Navigraph API to allow Navigraph users to update the Navdata on Xbox.
We're not able to put a timeframe on that at the moment, but it is something we are keen to get added to our products.
Mark - Just Flight
The navdata that ships with the RJ Professional is the 2401 AIRAC cycle, and at the time of writing, the latest AIRAC cycle is 2501, so there will be some differences in the navdata between the two. However, from our testing of both navdata sets, the differences are minimal. The most obvious difference we have noticed is some SIDs/STARs may have slightly different names to reflect a minor modification in the procedures, etc.
I believe if you have an active Navigraph subscription, you can change the AIRAC cycle used in SimBrief when generating a flight plan. If you change that to the AIRAC 2401 cycle, then the flight plan generated by SimBrief will be fully compatible with the default navdata in the RJ Professional.
Mark - Just Flight