Print friendly manuals
Very nice that you've included printer friendly manuals.
May I ask if you could consider also making a 'Quick Reference Handbook' print friendly document for your aircrafts? As an example for the TBM:
- pages 11-13
- pages 64-65
- pages 120-127
I started making my own document, but it takes some time to reproduce the tables, so would like to pitch the idea to the creator.
Found all the takeoff and landing distances in the original manual and added to the collection. Very useful pages, only 6 in total.
Back in the days, PMDG had an excellent A5 printed manual set for their MD-11, the one I used the most was the smaller 'Quick Reference Handbook'. Excellent companion when flying and learning the aircraft. If there was some small quick reference handbooks for the BlackSquare fleet, I would happily order them.