UNS-1 SimBrief Direct Download
I realize it's not realistic, but I really, really want a direct flight plan download option. I have SB Downloader set to automatically run each time a new plan is generated, no matter what I'm flying. This means that finding the right flight plan in the list could require looking through multiple pages.
This is something we have logged on our internal feature request tracker, but at the moment, it's not something that we are looking to add to the UNS-1.
If this were to be implemented, there wouldn't be much of a difference in the number of button presses required to import the flight plan between a straight SimBrief import and a Simbrief Downloader import, apart from a few less presses of the PREV/NEXT keys.
This may change in the future, but for now, we're prioritising other feature requests/bug fixes that should have a larger impact on the user experience.
Mark - Just Flight
I'd prefer to see this kind of "unrealistic" operation become part of the EFB with a "push to FMS" option on top of the existing Simbrief integration. For one it allows for a better UI, but it also opens up a venue to have it available across the Just Flight fleet in a unified manner.
In the mean time if the issue is that you have too many company routes and it is hard to find them in the list, you could add a task in windows to clear out that folder once a day (or each time you log in / start your computer etc) so the folder won't fill up with old flight plans