I have a problem with cargo loading.
For example if i want to load 7000kg of cargo into 'side cargo' compartment, then type '7000' and after pressing 'Enter' value is automatically changing to 7371kg.
Same happens with Fwd and Aft cargo.
When use plus/minus buttons then smallest change is 369kg.
Either way, there is no chance to set cargo to values i want.
Is something broken in EFB, or am i doing something wrong?Edit - described issue is when simbrief and GSX not in use
Your screenshot shows your trying to load 70,000. I think I've seen before where there's an extra 0 being added, could that be it?
It is not me trying to put 70.000, it is EFB fault.
Whatever number you want to put you have so many zeros by default. -
have you tried inputting a leading zero? i.e. 07000?
Honestly not, will try still today
Yep, it works when i enter 07000, a bit strange and unnecessary complication, but it works.