Overstress on takeoff
Hi guys,
loving the 'Traumahawk' at the moment, but I just updated to 0.1.2b and now every time I try to take off MSFS says that I have overstressed the aircraft. I've tried very gently pulling back on the yoke but it makes no difference and I didn't have this issue on v0.1.1 which I had before.
OK I have fixed this. It seems that when I installed the 0.1.2b it didn't fully remove the 0.1.1 version and after an uninstall then install 0.1.2b then it is working fine. I do think there is something funky with the installer though, as I've seen someone else commenting on issues with 0.1.1 lingering, I think on the GPS thread.
There have been no changes to the overstress logic between v0.1.1 and v0.1.2b, so this just appears to be a coincidence.
We have seen reports that the last SU15 betas have caused some users to receive the MSFS overstress message if the storm window or doors are opened in flight. Can you confirm if that may be the case for you too?
Mark - Just Flight