Switching between GPS in 'EFB' impossible
Should the versioning you use not follow semantic versioning practices? I see an update changelog post titled 'Update change logs - v1.2.1 (0.1.2) released (edited 26/4/24)' and another for Fuel Selector bug. That seems to be confusing versioning and I would have expected the release versioning number format shown in filename and in version.txt in ContentInfo to just be one version number, not using 1.2.1 and 0.1.2. Fixes like those mentioned for EFB and Fuel Selector bugs would mean the patch number changes to indicate bug fixes? Also the version I see in the Just Flight download is 0.1.2b, which seems to imply a beta release, which is not something I'd expect as a version to be sold?
I just this second redownloaded and ran the installer and the bug is still there and the filename version still implies this is a beta release, again, not something that should be sold and usually something reserved for internal testing of bug fixes. Did the wrong file get publicly published? During the next patch, might I also suggest someone takes a look at the Description text that shows in the in-game Profile section? It's just a large blob of text. Better use of paragraphs is needed. I suspect whoever wrote that used a text editor that is set to only use LF (Line Feed) and not CRLF (Carriage Return, Line Feed). Coders tend to use editors set to LF but it clearly isn't a great format for .txt source files used for the aircraft description in the games Profile section. Switching to CRLF is needed for any non-code files that are likely to be displayed in-game.
EDIT: Just double checked other JustFlight aircraft I have installed (PA28 bundle) and they all suffer from the same file editing oversight. You really should put a procedure change in place for those creating package source documents.
When running the installer again as above, I first chose the Reinstall / Repair option. Just tried again, this time running the Uninstall first and then reinstall, but the issue remains. I also noticed that after running Uninstall, your installer does not remove the PanelSave and Wear folder or the JF_PA38_Tomahawk.ini file. Your InstallShield tool really shouldn't be leaving config files and folders on a users' system if they've chosen to uninstall.
Looking at the way the EFB implementation handles instrument changes again I see it's linearly moving through a list of the possible options, updating the button text and when it gets to the last option (seemingly the PMS GTN) the code is not rotating things back to the first in the list. This method of avionics choice is not great UI. It would be much better for the EFB to have discrete buttons for each supported avionics addons that you could click just once to select rather than having to click a button multiple times to get to your desired avionics package.
To comment on the original topic of this thread, we are only aware of an issue when switching the GPS units in v0.1.0 of the Tomahawk on PC and Xbox marketplace. v0.1.2b has already been uploaded to the marketplace and we have approved it for release in the next marketplace update (likely this Thursday 2nd May). We are not able to replicate any of the GPS toggling issues with v0.1.2b. If you are experiencing this issue with v0.1.2b, please get in touch with Just Flight support via the following link and they will help with troubleshooting that: https://www.justflight.com/support
To comment on the rest of this thread:
- We have updated the version number in the changelog to reduce the likelihood of any confusion.
- The 'b' in the installer means the letter 'b', not beta. We sometimes release minor updates to products that don't require a full email notification to be sent to customers (including updates to fix minor bug fixes, installer fixes, etc). These updates share the same version number as the previous version but with the addition of a letter ('a', 'b'. 'c', etc.).
- Like other developers (including products purchased on the marketplace that use the in-game Content Manager), the folders located at '...\LocalState\packages\justflight-aircraft-pa38' will never be deleted from your PC unless you manually choose to do so. Deleting these folders in the PA38 will lead to a loss of accumulated wear and tear, loss of any previous state saving, and a loss of activation/licensing data which would require you to log in to the installer every time you run it.
- We haven't received any previous feedback that the current system for toggling GPSs in our PA28s and PA38 requires changing, but I have passed on your feedback to the development team.
Mark - Just Flight
@Mark Using letters in version numbers to signify small updates is not industry standard and somewhat confusing, hence my thinking it was for beta, which is common in version descriptions and is why it should not be used. This is what semantic versioning (https://semver.org/) is for.
The first digit is the Major release and marks a release when breaking changes are introduced. The second is the Minor release and signifies backwards compatible changes. The third digit is the Patch release and is used for when small bug fixes are released. As an example, Working Title's G1000NXi version 1.3.8 had a bug where the EIS engine reversionary display on the PFD was blank. They worked on that fix and when it was done, they published the update, and the version was changed to 1.3.9.
I now see the reasoning for leaving the config files in place after an uninstall, especially the userinfo.txt that contains the verified serial number and negates the need to enter it again during a reinstall.
I'll contact support because this GPS bug is most certainly in the 0.1.2b file that I downloaded directly from the JustFlight website about 22 hours ago. I have the Steam version.
I downloaded this product from the Just Flight store yesterday (29th). The downloaded file has the filename PA38_Tomahawk_MSFS_v012b.zip so I assume this is the version with the GPS fix? Once installed and I launch the aircraft, it appears more examples of confusing versioning information is evident on the actual EFB which display v1.0 in the top left. This really does seem like poor versioning practice. Going by the logic of the pinned changelog post Update change logs - v1.2 (0.1.2b) released (edited 26/4/24) showing the fixes for Fuel Selector and other fixes, the version should now be v1.2 but the EFB clearly shows v1.0 and I click on the GPS button, it sequences through the available GPS options, gets to PMS50 GTN and then stays there. If I click the sound plays as though it's swapping out the instrument but the panel still shows the GTN in place. Something seems very wrong.
@seefer It sounds like v1.2 hasn't installed correctly, as the GPS selection issue has definitely been fixed and the EFB should show v1.2 rather than v1.0. The support team should be able to help with that.
The package version numbering (e.g. v0.1.2) follows the standard requested by MS/Asobo in our work with them, and the aircraft descriptions are also supplied by MS as part of our Marketplace submissions. I'll pass on your feedback.
@Martyn That makes sense. I bought this on the 29th so the fixed version should be the only one I've had access to from the start. I haven't had any earlier version that has had to be updated so I'm not sure how the EFB version seems to be v1.0.
Created a ticket and supplied screenshots of the EFB and the version and properties of the SETUP.EXE executable contained in the package I downloaded from the website again today. My 'uneducated' guess is the published package to the Just Flight website is still the bugged version and not the fixed one.