ATC / Transponder trouble
Hi everyone. I've just updated my Bae146 and it's a great experience! However... since last update my communications are "strange"...
- I tune airport ground for taxing: ground replies, and I can taxi.
- I tune tower for takeoff clearance: tower replies, and I can takeoff.
When I hear "you are leaving my airspace, frequency change approved"... Nothing more happens. Usually, my co-pilot contacts atc, which starts to follow me.
My transponder is still set on 7000, I can change numbers but if I don't know ATC squawk, no one talks.
If I turn knob on TA or TA/RA or other... nothing changes.
I always open atc menĂ¹, then choose 1, 2, 3, etc...
I try to change manually the com frequence and it still returns on tower frequence... also setting the frequence on the second knob and then switch, gives no result. Com volumes are 100%.
So ATC can't follow me... and... worst of all, I can't contact airport to ask permission to land.
Am I doing something wrong? Or it's a bug? Or did something change after last update?
Thank you for your answer. -
Same issue, seems the new UNS-1 doesn't play well with MSFS flight modes. Mine changes the VFR flight following type as soon as I start entering waypoints. Only solution right now is to switch the FMS back to the original unit.
I mentioned this in this forum the day the update was released. No feedback yet. I even entered a service ticket and no response on the issue from support. I can only assume this is something they are looking at.
Oh... ok, now it's clear... I suspected there was something strange, but at first I didn't think about a bug... Ok, I will revert to original "old" FMS awaiting for a fix. Thank you very much for you answer!
Do this and see if you see the same thing I see. Using the new UNS-1, select destination airport and parking location. Start flight and power up the plane. Open the ATC window and leave it open. You will have all the flight following options listed. Start programming your route and watch when the ATC window changes the options. No one else as mentioned this, strange.
Ok, I did some tests and... If I switch to old FMS everything's ok. With new FMS the result is always the same: can't select frequence, ATC is stuck on tower frequence and I can't contact other airports.
I tried to switch to new and then select "cold and dark" from efb, to see if this option "resets" everything but nothing changed.
I also did as @rbringh suggested, and leaving ATC communications opened but nothing changes: when tower gives me the permission to takeoff, options from ATC window disappear. No request for squawk code...
Too bad, I waited the new FMS for so long :-( -
Thank you both for reporting this. We have been able to replicate this on our end and we have passed the findings on to the UNS-1 development team. We will aim to get a fix included in the next update to the 146 Professional.
Mark - Just Flight