Simbrief passengers issue
Yes, due to differences in pax and baggage weights and profiles, what is synced is the zero fuel weight and block fuel. So the total aircraft weight and thus performance will match your SimBrief OFP but the pax quantity won't necessarily match. That's always been the case for our aircraft.
@Martyn I still think something's weird. I've always had the 146-100 load 80 pax when importing payload from a Simbrief flight with automatic pax and cargo, and then filling up to something resembling the planned payload with cargo, equally splitting between front and rear compartment.
My Simbrief profile is set up with a pax weigth of 79kg, which matches the new UNS-1 documentation (page 25) for what the plane assumes. Additionally, as I read it, Simbrief then adds 25kg of luggage per pax as cargo and some random amount on top. I tried setting the pax weight to 69 (lol) in Simbrief, and that netted a sub-80 head count after import.
For an example with the default 79kg soul:
WEIGHTS ------- EST MAX ACTUAL PAX 66 ...... CARGO 1.7 ...... PAYLOAD 6.9 ...... ZFW 30.7 32.5 ...... FUEL 3.9 6.5 ...... POSS EXTRA 2.7 TOW 34.3 37.0 LDG...... STAB TRIM ...... LAW 32.5 35.2 ......
(79kg * 66) = 5214kg
(25kg * 66) = 1650kg
sum: 6864kgImporting that yields (in the EFB) a load with 80 pax and 202kg in each front and rear cargo compartment, for a total of (80 * 79kg) + 404kg = 6724kg, so "ballpark correct", but still off.
@Martyn Can I ask why you do it that way? It's a bit strange on my end and it's confused me previously about the F28. GSX can import specific passenger and cargo quantities from SimBrief OFPs so unsure why GSX can't load a JF aircraft with those values?
A ditto vote here for me. If we're going for "immersion" then the loadsheet from simbrief (which is driven by my VA tasking) should surely be what is loaded? I've made sure to use the JF 146-300 SB profile so empty weights etc match. It's just a little confusing not to have numbers match when doing a check.