Is there any update on the Fokker coming to Xbox?
Hi team,
I've tried searching before asking but found no information.
Is there any information on the current status of the Fokker coming to Xbox? It's been many many months and still no sign of it, is this still planned to happen eventually?
Can we eventually in the future see faster times between product release and Xbox introduction from the team?
Thank you.
@Easy301 said in Is there any update on the Fokker coming to Xbox?:
Can we eventually in the future see faster times between product release and Xbox introduction from the team?
You'd have to address that question to Microsoft, I am afraid. How it currently works is thus:
- JF releases a title for PC, initially on our own website. To release simultaneously on the MarketPlace doesn't really work for us, given we would have to delay release of a title for an unspecified time period in order to get through the MP release procedures.
- We collate any feedback received upon release and address any issues that arise. Generally, if any fixes or updates are needed, they are released within about a week of launch.
- We will then prepare a build of the latest version and upload that to MS MarketPlace.
- Microsoft will open the Ark and conduct whatever arcane and esoteric rituals that are required to make the PC content work on both PC and X-Box. They will then notify us that a buld is available for testing on PC and X-Box.
- Assuming we give that build the thumbs-up, it will be released in the next available 'window'.
Currently, the F28 is somewhere between 4 and 5. The PC build is approved and released. The X-Box build is still undergoing work at our end to make some improvements. As you may be aware, it was 'accidentally' released for PC and X-Box for a short period, but it really would benefit from some further work to improve performance. Currently, we don't have a date for the completion of this work, but, once done, we will be back to Number 3) with an X-Box build.
D Derek referenced this topic on
Hi Just Flight team, happy new year for all
Do you have any update about this case?
Still no update yet. Hopefully it's still at least planned to arrive.
Generally the whole "PC release followed by an Xbox release months later" is the norm and is expected for the most part. This has gotten better for a lot of developers (including some of those devs under the umbrella of JF) due to the increased dialogue and support from Asobo in regards to marketplace so that's really good news.
The fokker though has had an excessive lag time making it onto the console, exceeding 6 months, especially more noticeable as it's already available via the marketplace on PC as this is usually when it's also introduced the console space.
We just want to give you all our money, the wait is difficult sometimes, especially as most of the time it's a wait that includes almost no progress information, release estimates, or generally any type of substantial updates on the process.
Thank you for at least taking the time to respond here every few months and give us an update even if it's just a "No news yet" it's better then nothing and we greatly appreciate it.
From a customer point of view it's hard not to ask for updates regularly especially when the consensus is usually "You'll be able to buy it one day but we have no idea when and won't have any idea when." Of course most of us understand the reasons for it or at least understand there IS a reason for it. I'm sure JF would love to get things out on console as quick as we would.
I hope eventually as the MSFS platform matures and developers get more comfortable with Xbox that things like release window timing and availability for Xbox are taken into consideration during general development and maintained during the entire development process. Right now it seems like the go-to methodology is to release on PC with plans for Xbox at an unexpected date later date, with the goal of getting it on the platform "Sometime in the future." Again, this is also something that's been getting better with developers now including the Xbox release-window and compatibility considerations during the entire development cycle to minimize the time between releases, or at least maintain a predictable (as much as you can in software development) release schedule. Hopefully we see more of that.
Anyway, thanks for keeping us updated. Hopefully soon!
The 'situation' such as it is, can be likened to that of Norma Desmond. It's the pictures that got small....
As products have got more detailed they have shown up the shortcomings of the X-Box S. Some titles will run fine on that platform - some won't. We have been working on various builds of the F28 (and some other titles) to try and optimise them to run on what is, essentially, a reasonably adequate gaming PC from 2020. Sadly, as with any PC that is showing its age, all the dialogue in the world is no substitute for more RAM or a better graphics card - or a game that doesn't stretch the machine's resources.
Hopefully, the next round of builds will provide something that will be ready for its close-up. -
@Derek said in Is there any update on the Fokker coming to Xbox?:
The 'situation' such as it is, can be likened to that of Norma Desmond. It's the pictures that got small....
As products have got more detailed they have shown up the shortcomings of the X-Box S. Some titles will run fine on that platform - some won't. We have been working on various builds of the F28 (and some other titles) to try and optimise them to run on what is, essentially, a reasonably adequate gaming PC from 2020. Sadly, as with any PC that is showing its age, all the dialogue in the world is no substitute for more RAM or a better graphics card - or a game that doesn't stretch the machine's resources.
Hopefully, the next round of builds will provide something that will be ready for its close-up.The forced parity policy for the Series S is awful, especially as you say, as add-ons get more complex and the console generation moves on, more and more developers are being outright hamstrung by needing to force parity between the two consoles per policy. Being unable to exclude or downgrade feature wise when it comes to the series S is becoming a rather large problem even outside of the FS ecosystem.
Thanks for a bit more insight into some of the current issues. Hopefully this doesn't mean the finally showing is significantly paired back compared to the PC version to even make sure it runs decently on the Series S, but beggers can't be choosers and many of us will take it anyway we can get it understanding any type of downgrade will only be because that's was the only way we will ever going to see it on our platform at all.
I sure do wish Microsoft allowed for Series X release add-ons only.
I came here to inquire about the availability of the F28 on the Xbox 8 months after its been available on the Marketplace. The message I'm getting here is that the Xbox lacks the required specifications to run the F28, and hasn't gone through any type certification process by Microsoft or Asobo. Is my understanding correct?
The 'situation' such as it is, can be likened to that of Norma Desmond. It's the pictures that got small....
As products have got more detailed they have shown up the shortcomings of the X-Box S. Some titles will run fine on that platform - some won't. We have been working on various builds of the F28 (and some other titles) to try and optimise them to run on what is, essentially, a reasonably adequate gaming PC from 2020. Sadly, as with any PC that is showing its age, all the dialogue in the world is no substitute for more RAM or a better graphics card - or a game that doesn't stretch the machine's resources.
Hopefully, the next round of builds will provide something that will be ready for its close-up.The above, written in February is still true. We awaitied SU15 but that didn't deliver any changes. We will continue to tinker with the F28 to optimise it for X-Box release.
I’ve just purchased the F28 on Xbox and it’s great. I have noticed though that the pilots aren’t visible in the cockpit whilst on external view. I’m not sure if this is just on Xbox? Are there any plans to rectify this?
We have just looked into the pilot visibility on the F28 exterior on Xbox and this looks like it is something that is being controlled by the simulator as a performance-saving measure.
For example, if you load into a small regional airport you'll likely notice that the pilots will be visible on the exterior and they may disappear once the drone camera is moved a certain distance away from the aircraft, but if you then load into a large international airport like EGLL or KJFK, you will likely notice that the pilots will only be visible when the drone camera is much closer to the aircraft (if at all).
Unfortunately, I'm not sure if there will be anything we will be able to do to improve this as it looks to be something that is being controlled by the simulator due to performance constraints, but we have logged it on our internal bugs tracker to investigate further.
Mark - Just Flight