AOE and NAV seats with head tracking.
@Pilot-Pyles The AEO and Navigator's positions currently use Showcase "Fixed Camera" positions so it is not possible to move the camera around when viewing these panels. We are, however, investigating a method where we can assign these panels to "Internal" cameras instead, and that will then allow the camera to be moved.
One method of being able to move the camera whilst in these positions in the current version is to open the MSFS Checklist Menu from the toolbar, and then click the 'eye' icon next to any of the items that are on the AEO or Navigator's panels. That will force the camera to the AEO or Navigators positions whilst still in the normal "internal" camera mode, and allow you to move the camera's position.
Mark - Just Flight
@Mark A little poke here - your response wasn't really relevant to the question. :)
@Pilot-Pyles Do you still see the blue area if you access the rear cockpit via the checklists method in our initial response (if you click on the eye icon next to a checklist item that is in the rear cockpit)?
If you don't see the issue using that method, then the issue will be fixed in the next update to the Vulcan.
If you are still seeing the blue area with that method, would you be able to send us a screenshot of the area in question?
Mark - Just Flight
Sure thing. I think it's a part of the aircraft you don't see if you can't move your head in the rear seats.
(uploads don't work here)
So, its that blue/grey part at the bottom. It's easy to pop below it. I presume modelling the room would be an FPS issue.
As you guessed in your first post, we designed the AEO and navigator camera views to be fixed, hence the use of the showcase camera mode for those. We didn't anticipate that users with head tracking hardware would have freedom of movement, introducing the possibility of disappearing through the 'floor'. We'll be reviewing the rear crew views for the next update so we'll see what we can do.
Thanks :)
I'm not expecting anything (I get that it's designed to be fixed) but I wanted to at least make you aware. :)
@Martyn A little poke, incase you missed it. Tis dark in the back seats.