Disable camera system?
can the camera system be disabled, please?
I use the drone cam normally for external views, works very good for me.
Now, using the Vulcans camera system, I can't switch to drone cam any more.I would be fine setting up my own views.
Hope that could be fixed in any way
thxImpressive bird, but a lot to learn ;)
@Guenseli The AEO and Navigator's positions in the rear cockpit currently use the Showcase "Fixed Camera" positions along with a variety of other camera positions, and these are entirely separate from the Showcase "Free Camera" (Drone camera) so it doesn't limit the ability of the Drone camera.
Normally when you press the 'Insert' key on your keyboard, the camera will change to the Showcase "Free Camera" (Drone Camera), however, if a Showcase "Fixed Camera" has been selected last, then the 'Insert' key will take you to the last camera position selected instead, in the case of the Vulcan that could be the AEO or Navigator positions.
When you are in the AEO or Navigators position (or in any Showcase "Fixed Camera") pressing the 'End' key on your keyboard will toggle between the Fixed Camera and Free Camera positions and give you full access to the drone camera. Think of this like changing between the standard interior and exterior camera but for the two types of Showcase cameras.
With all that being said, we are looking at changing the AEO and Navigator's positions to use normal 'Internal' cameras in the next update to the Vulcan, which should mean the Drone camera will work the same as other aircraft in MSFS.
TL:;DR: when in the AEO or Navigators positions, press the 'End' key on your keyboard to swap to the drone camera.
Mark - Just Flight