Xbox release?
Does anyone know a date on the release for xbox or at least a rough estimate seen as though the pa28 series and bae 146 have recently been added I am a firm lover of the hawk and would like to see her on xbox.
@JaydenS We would love to see the Hawk on Xbox too! A lot of our development resources have been taken up by F28 professional work the last few weeks so the Hawk hasn't been submitted to the Marketplace just yet.
It hopefully shouldn't be too long until Xbox users get to fly the Hawk though!
Mark - Just Flight
We don't have an exact release date just yet as there's still a small amount of development work required before we can submit it to Microsoft for an Xbox release.
At this time we are aiming for an Xbox release at some point in August.
Mark - Just Flight
Thankyou for the update, as a long term PC user of the Hawk will there be an update to the Flight Model submitted alongside the Xbox release.
Or can we acquire the FM update through the Just Flight website. -
@evanswillo Yes, the Hawk update will release on our site and other third-party sites before the Marketplace/Xbox release. The Marketplace releases usually lag behind the release on our site by approximately one week due to the way the In-Game Marketplace only updates once per week.
Once the update is available on our site, we will notify all customers via email and we'll also update the changelogs on the forums and on our support pages.
We are aiming to include flight model updates as part of this next update.
Mark - Just Flight
@mark Thankyou for the update, please pass on our thanks to all your team for all their continued hard work.
Work is currently ongoing on the Hawk update and we hope to have a build ready for our testing team within the next few working days. From there it'll be released on our store first, and then it'll need to be processed, tested, and released on the PC Marketplace and Xbox Marketplace.
The time frame will be dictated by the feedback we receive from our testers, but we are still aiming for an Xbox release later this month.
Mark - Just Flight
@jaydens said in Xbox release?:
@martyn amazing im eager to hand over my cash for this beauty is it looking likely it’ll be the next few weeks or months
Not our call, unfortunately. That will be down to MS.