Autopilot not working at all
After takeoff and hand flying at 10 degrees up when I engage autopilot the pitch and roll anunciators illuminate but the aircraft does not follow them and gradually goes into a nose down attitude. Am I being a little dim? Help would be most appreciated. I've reinstalled the product and tried different variants (i.e. 1000/2000/3000/4000) and it makes no difference. I've also set pitch control to joystick buttons and that hasn't resolved either.
Edit: Just loaded the 146 on AP engage aircraft holds pitch and roll mode. So I don't think any controller conflict. Help!
@hayesie Have you tried following our tutorial video series?
If you are following those steps but still have the same problem then please submit a support ticket so we can investigate further:
@martyn I've run through the tutorial to the letter starting from cold and dark. I have the same problem. Once AP activated pitch control doesn't follow commanded pitch and just continues to nose up. There must be a conflict somewhere. I've reset all my stick and throttle assignments (Thrustmaster TCA) and disconnected my Saitek Multi Panel - all to no avail. I'll submit a ticket. This aircraft is astonishing and I need to be able to fly it!!
I have a similar issue and created a forum Post about it - but in my case the lateral modes work - its just the vertical modes which dont work. Do you also see your trim wheel jumping around when it happens? I believe I nailed it down manual trim and /or the AP disconnect button on my Yoke. (
Hello all,
had the same problem and after the hint of @Hayesie i found the problem (for me):
When you have the PMS50 GTN750 and use the compatibility mod due to a problem with the GNS530 (, it will conflict with the autopilot of the F28, regardless if the the GNS is used or not (i fly without). The autopilot is active but won't give the commands to the plane. No headings, VORs or pitch mode.
After 3 days i can now finally enjoy that plane :)
Hope this will help some people.
hey, i have the same problem. When i engage AP IT dont work:
Cannot follow heading
cannot beam vor
cannot follow pitch
cannot level off
and if its the pms 50 thing plz tell me how to fix
I have the pms GTN750, the working titles gns 530 but its from marketplace and its the free one
and I have also THIS MOD:
pms530mod: TELL me how to fix I LOOVE this aircraft but I just CANT fly it, very sad.
Anyway good day all -
This may be relevant. I found on recent flights that the autopilot would only engage in pitch/roll mode - I could switch on the "FCU" to Beam or HDG but they would not drive the FD and autopilot. This was only the case with GPS enabled. When I switched to VOR then HDG and BEAM modes behaved.
I checked in content manager and saw I had 2 WT GNS530s installed. One was 26k and the other 8mb. Checked the change logs and the 8mb was latest so I deleted the 26k one.
Tested - no difference. In desperation I re-installed the F28 - no delete, literally just installed over the top. Re-tested quickly and HSI indicated correctly for BEAM and HDG mode was correctly followed.
So once again - switching it off and back on (kinda) fixed it.
It can do no harm to try....
ps. Side note - I do have the PMS50 GTN installed for other planes but that shouldn't matter
Hello @707PILOT2018 @brennan
Can you confirm if you are using SU15 beta at all?
Thanks. Could you please contact our support team so that they can go through some troubleshooting steps with you.
guys i fixed it just go and find the pms gtn 750 mod for others and put the GTN 750 into the f28 guys itll fix all the issues. Im not using SU15BETA and believe me this will fix all I have a youtube channel I made a tutorial on how to replace the GNS530 by the GTN cuz for me the GNS530 is broken rn.
link :