No APU Ops?
@bbetty If I recall correctly, the engine start is performed with electric power only so I assume the only loss of functionality from no APU is only no climate control before takeoff due to the packs not being fed from the engines. Seems a quick thing to test with GPU connected?
@b3lt3r Thanks for the response.
From memory, when I was ground crew on the 146, we could start engine 4 from DC battery pack and then the crew could carry out a cross-engine start from here. There was a DC receptacle between the front and rear holds on the FO side of the aircraft.
The issue being, you can’t run the start master and the generators at the same time. This is inhibited on the overhead. I’m assuming the gen and the starter are either the same device or otherwise interconnected on the IDG.
So, my question is…. How to carry out an engine start on GPU or DC power only?
Perhaps the procedure is just to start all four and then remove the GPU AC power?
@bbetty That was my assumption - GPU to start all 4 then gens on and disconnect GPU. Will have a go tomorrow as that VA leg is ideally suited to the 146.
Re DC only - agree it's not possible to select gen while start master is on but does it allow the reverse? ie - start 4 on DC, master off, gen on, master on, start 3,2,1?
Now I am curious :-)
@b3lt3r Nice! Thanks heaps.
I’ll give these a go next time I get chance to turn the sim on. Be interested to see if the systems are modelled so as to simulate these procedures.
My memory is vague but I think a DC internal battery start was possible but generally not done without an external DC battery source. What a versatile aircraft.
Thanks again.
@b3lt3r I couldn't achieve the battery start. The procedure above references the 'emergency power switch', but I can't see that on the overhead or anywhere else for that matter.
The AC GPU / Cross start worked really well and I'm amazed at how well JF models the 146 systems.
Of course, there is no external DC battery function that I can see on the IPAD, so external battery start is not achievable.
I remember as a ground worker having to stand next to the hold with the battery pack in hand, plugged into the DC receptacle while the crew started engine 4 behind me. As awesome experience that I won't forget.
@bbetty yeah - failure for me too.... I found the manual for the QW 146 and that said that the DC battery doesn't provide enough power alone to start engines so maybe the emergency switch and capability are part of the RJ upgrade. Shrug :-)
@b3lt3r So, I researched a little harder. The emergency start feature was not fitted to all aircraft. If it was fitted, there is a switch just under the avionics hatch that leads down from the cockpit to the avionics bay.
I’ve crawled through that hatch many times so I know it intricately! Haha.
I don’t’ think this JF version models this. JF gods, I hope you’re paying attention to this post. Please provide DC start and emergency battery start. 😝