Any update news?
Hi! FBW came out with a huge update to there FSLTL product a few days ago. So when can we expect an update of FS Traffic?
I think I still prefer FS Traffic but as some youtubers pointed out with no update of FS Traffic soon it might be worth switching over. It looks like there is an update pending, so any news?
Best regards Jan
@janjoensson said in Any update news?:
Hi! FBW came out with a huge update to there FSLTL product a few days ago. So when can we expect an update of FS Traffic?
I think I still prefer FS Traffic but as some youtubers pointed out with no update of FS Traffic soon it might be worth switching over. It looks like there is an update pending, so any news?
Best regards Jan
A full list of updates so far can be found here:
Latest one was on the 14th March this year (or, March 14th for those using US nomenclature). Another update is due out fairly soon and when it is released we will make an announcement.
@derek Thank you for you reply.
Do you estimate it to be released before Summer holidays? I hope so anyway :)
(And there seems to be low traffic volumes at ENGM Gardermoen. Don't know why).
Hi Jan,
Long before then. The update itself has just gone to our beta testing team and should be out in the next couple of weeks. -
@rich Thank you very much! Looking forward to it and the Summer holiday :)
@rich Any news about the update? Have you finalized or added any interesting things to the preliminary change log?
Interesting...the silence that is.....No silence is not Golden...these days.
Bought this from its first release....but usless to me except to load with FSLTL. Why is communication so hard for the developers.....or have you all given up on supporting this product and its customers?
@janjoensson said in Any update news?:
@rich Any news about the update? Have you finalized or added any interesting things to the preliminary change log?
Hi Jan,
Almost there. A version of the update is currently in beta whilst we finish processing the updated flight plan data. That should be complete this week and then we'll be preparing it for release.@cadum said in Any update news?:
Interesting...the silence that is.....No silence is not Golden...these days.
Bought this from its first release....but usless to me except to load with FSLTL. Why is communication so hard for the developers.....or have you all given up on supporting this product and its customers?The last question was posted on a Sunday afternoon. Give us a chance :man_shrugging:
@rich Thank you. Looking forward to the update. Would it be possible to update the provisional change log or is there no changes to that?
Best regards Jan
Hi Jan,
I believe the current changelog is pretty much up-to-date. The flight plan data that we are currently working on is already mentioned. Once that is ready we should be good to release. -
@rich Thank you very much! ✈️
Today is Friday, today is a great day for the update :D
Although we are tying to get a build ready for today, it will only be a beta release I'm afraid.
Hopefully we should see a wider release next week. -
@rich I hope with this version my EDDF and KORD problem disappears. Would love to test it.
With each passing day I hope to see the FS Traffic update...can't wait!
Any of you that wish to get early access to the update can do so via this post -
@Rich Thank you for this information! Do you know how long this new testing period will be, approximately?
I will not apply since I wont be able to do a good enough effort, but I am glad for everyone who do.
Best regards Jan
Hi Jan,
We're hoping to have it concluded over the weekend with a full release to follow shortly afterwards -
@rich said in Any update news?:
Hi Jan,
We're hoping to have it concluded over the weekend with a full release to follow shortly afterwardsThank you!! Looking forward to it 🥳