Flight model updates
@martyn OK, I'm still having issues with the "sensitivity" for want of a better description. I have attached a screenshot of my specific Hawk settings. The joystick is a inexpensive Speedlink Phantom Hawk, but it's fine for Airbus and other military sorts, so I wouldn't want to apportion blame there.
Overall, there is an apparent control lag which causes a knock-on effect on the control surfaces, so if I pull back, there's an aerodynamic delay, and suddenly the aircraft "jumps". The same applies to roll.
This particular CFG seems to have less nose down down authority?
Are there any recommended control settings? I'm happy to amend my T1/A profile as required.
The trouble is that I am an unaccomplished military pilot, that said, I can manage the L-39 and MB339 more so than the Hawk.
also the reactivity is shown as 50% but that is after I changed it.
@fab10 This really isn't the place to go through feedback on updates, it'll just confuse the issue with both release and test versions in the same place. Feel free to pm me, or Martyn may be in the process of setting you up with a testing feedback site.
Having said that, we test with linear curves and min deadzones, the latter look okay, but straight lines on the graphs - I'm sure if you search this forum for 'control sensitivity' you'll find the image I have posted, not at the PC so I can't repost here sorry.
If this isn’t the place to continue the JF initiated thread in which people have already replied, then that would have been useful information to have known prior to being directed otherwise.
At £32, I’ll not be your beta tester, thank you all the same. -
It's time to eat a great deal of humble pie.
I have reset my controls to linear, and the Hawk is behaving predictably as expected - in fact it's wonderful!
I am sorry to have aired my thoughts as previously I did, and can but apologise for my trigger finger Italian temperament.