adding liveries
I'm trying to understand how to add new liveries but I'm getting stuck and might need some help please, I downloaded the Northwest Asobo 747,
i go into Aircraft Manager,
select 747
add new entry title is Boeing 747-8i Northwest (Alliance Spirit)
but what is the IATA code?[FLTSIM.0]
title = "Boeing 747-8i Northwest (Alliance Spirit)" ; Variation name
model = "NW_ALLIANCE" ; model folder
panel = "" ; panel folder
sound = "" ; sound folder
texture = "NW_ALLIANCE" ; texture folder
kb_checklists = "Boeing747-400_check" ; Procedures/Checklist sibling file name
kb_reference = "Boeing747-400_ref" ; Reference information sibling file name
description = "Boeing 747-8i Northwest (Alliance Spirit)" ; Variation description.
wip_indicator = 1 ; know if the variation is good to go or still WIP : -1=Disabled, 0=Rough, 1=1st Pass, 2=Finished
ui_manufacturer = "Boeing" ; e.g. Boeing, Cessna
ui_type = "747-8 Northwest (Alliance Spirit)" ; e.g. 747-400, 172
ui_variation = "Northwest - Alliance Spirit" ; e.g. World Air, IFR Panel
ui_typerole = "Commercial Airliner" ; e.g. Single Engine Prop, Twin Engine Prop, Rotorcraft, etc
ui_createdby = "Mike V" ; e.g. Asobo Studio, Microsoft, FSAddonCompany, etc
ui_thumbnailfile = "" ; app relative path to ThumbNail image file
ui_certified_ceiling = 43100 ; service ceiling / max certified operating altitude (ft)
ui_max_range = 8000 ; max distance the aircraft can fly between take-off and landing in (NM)
ui_autonomy = 16 ; max duration the aircraft can fly between take-off and landing in (Hrs)
ui_fuel_burn_rate = 21160 ; average fuel consumption per hour (lbs/hr) - reminder: fuel density is ~6.7lbs per US gallon
atc_id = " " ; tail number
atc_id_enable = 0 ; enable tail number
atc_airline = "Northwest" ; airline name
atc_flight_number = "1247" ; flight number
atc_heavy = 1 ; heavy?
atc_parking_types = "GATE,RAMP,CARGO" ; "ANY" / "RAMP" / "CARGO" / "MIL_CARGO" / "MIL_COMBAT" / "GATE" / "DOCK"
atc_parking_codes = "" ; Comma separated and may be as small as one character each
atc_id_color = "" ; color for the tail number : i.e. "#ffff00ff"
atc_id_font = "" ; font for the tail number
icao_airline = "NWA"
isAirTraffic = 1 ; Is the plane usable for air traffic
isUserSelectable = 1 ; Is the plane selectable by the user -
@hunterdouglas It is a two letter code for the airline that you can find at :
Type in the name of the airline in the search box.
sorry that doesnt help me, from the instruction manual to add an aircraft livery i need carrier name/iata/icao/ and name from title, all to be taken from the .cfg file,
so my question is, from the .cfg file shown how do i add the livery to the aircraft manager -
@hunterdouglas I didn't get an email that you had posted in reply to my reply, but if you insist on entering an airline that no longer exists, using a non-frame friendly aircraft model for AI, the required entry is shown below:
Don't forget to save changes.
@art_p thank you for replying, I added the aircraft as instructed, but when I create a new schedule with the aircraft, the carrier and callsign are blank
@hunterdouglas This is above my pay grade, and I do not have the aircraft files to try it. Also, don't forget to reduce the 747 wingspan or it won't show up at any airports due to lack of parking spaces big enough.
@art_p thank you for all your help, it's beyond me now also, adding liveries is not as easy as they would want us to beleive. They do need to explain more on how to do it.
I eventually got the aircraft to show up, but it has the white blank livery, so there has got to be something else there in the .cfg file that FStraffic needs to pick up
the file was from anyone can get this to work, please let us all know, FStraffic is a great product but we do need to understand it more
@hunterdouglas The problem is not FS Traffic. Apparently there is a database of airlines in FS Traffic, and since NWA does not exist anymore, it is not recognized. Since Northwest was absorbed by Delta, perhaps you should use DAL instead of NWA for this aircraft.