Need some help with GPS and AutoPilot in the Hawk T1
For the life of me, I can't work out how to get the tablet AutoPilot in the Hawk T1 to follow my GPS way points.
Is this possible ?I am using the GPS unit on the Hawk
I am switching the NAV / GPS switch on the right top console to the lower GPS position.
I can get Heading Hold to work if I move the heading bug and toggle heading hold autopilot on the tabletBut when I try to go to Nav AutoPilot on the tablet, it just does nothing and does not track to my waypoints for GPS Visual plan route done via MSFS route planner.
I am obviously missing something, so can someone give me a quick step by step guide guide on the switches needed to GPS AutoPilot to follow my waypoints with the Hawk T1 please ? (Please assume I have set up the flight plan in MSFS with Visual and waypoints and I am actually at altitude)
I have tried searching Google and nothing is showing on how to set this up
Many thanxs
@catanonia Managed to work it out. Just wish I could get alt hold to hold at an altitude I want to to hold at and not some random value it decides at.
Also noticed during GPS Nav Hold, the aircraft rolls side to side whilst wobbling down the magenta !!!!
Anyone know how to get Nav Hold to resume after you have taken it off. Do you somehow have to re-select the way point for the heading DCI or whatever it is called ?
For those wondering or stumbling on this post.
- Ensure you have the GPS module up and running / switched on
- Ensure you have a flight plan created and select the active flight plan in the GPS unit
- Ensure the switch is set to GPS mode (switch in up position) rather than Nav mode (Switch is top right of the right low console above the radios)
- Ensure the DGI does NOT have NAV mode selected (see point 3) and that the next waypoint heading is showing (look at the green line and bug)
The Nav Hold mode works, but is slow, tends to wobble side to side whilst holding course and makes VERY large turns so be aware of this. Once I find out how to get the Nav Hold to re-engage after I manually make turns to the next waypoint, I will be happy :)
Alt Hold is hit and miss. It seems to randomly pick an altitude close to where you pressed the button. I find if you level flight as much as possible, and then hit it, it will get close. Although I have had time when it will do the vomit comet pitching between "a" value and 2000ft either side of it.
I think to be fair, given it's a "pseudo AP" allowances have to be made.Just ensure that the Hawk is trimmed out level and stable before activating altitude hold.
Then use heading mode.