Default Airport Scenery Missing in P3DV4.5
I noticed that since installing Traffic Global, that my airport scenery has been changed. When I flew to KJAX and went to park the plane, the jetway was there but not the terminal, See photo. When I went to take off, the runway apron was there but not the runway, ![See photo.] I have noticed this at other airports as well. I have a few payware airports CYYZ, CYUL from Flytampa, and they are fine. It seems to be affecting P3dV4.5 default airports.Your help in solving this issue would be greatly appreciated. I am running P3DV4.5, PMDG 737NG, Windows 10 64bit Home. Thanks Rob
@torontorob Try deactivating the TG Airport Facilities entry in the scenery.cfg.
Thank you for your quick reply. Can you guide me through the process to deactivate that file. I am always afraid that I may cause further problems.
Thanks again for taking the time to help me out.Rob
I experienced the same problem and am missing the terminal buildings. I also received this error message -- perhaps related?
In the scenery.cfg file, should the entry below be changed to Active=FALSE?[Area.134]
Title=Traffic Global Airport Facilities
No delete the entry for 002 it looks like you have a duplicate entry for TG AirportFacilities.