'Half the usual rate of roll' Issue
I have a complex control setup so I deal with alot of these sort of issues myself.
Are you mapping it directly or via TARGET? Try direct if was using TARGET.
On the JF Tablet is there any Autopilot hold mode selected?
On the world map when starting up the flight, there is a setting for customization - these should be at default. Any changes here will affect it:
In your control bindings, check each device to see if you have more than one controller bound to Aileron or Rudder.
Definitely not got gear or flaps down, nor the autopilot.
I've used the built in windows calibration settings recently but it made no difference.
I've double checked the joystick mapping in Msfs and the HOTAS is the only device mapped.
The strangest part is that default aircraft in Msfs roll at the correct rate. Its only the Hawk that has this problem, suggesting the problem is with the Hawk rather than my set up in Msfs.
@baw24p any warnings displayed?
The only other thing I think specifically affecting this planes controls are the hydraulic system, as well as the 2nd cockpits controls if that were to interfere in some way.Also make sure it's a default livery not a 3rd party one just in case.
Been flying today, and can confirm that the full degree of aileron control still works at the high rates shown in the video.
I can't reproduce your issue of slow roll. I DO need to get my stick all the way to the side though to get the fast roll. It is rather sluggish in the first half of the stick movement compared to other aircraft on a percentage basis. It seems the relative increase in roll rate occurs faster towards the edges almost like there is a curve on the axis.
I'd suggest run some testing software to see your inputs and confirm they are hitting the edges all the way. Sometimes sticks can only reach 90-95% of the range if theres calibration or hardware issues.
@taipan303 said in 'Half the usual rate of roll' Issue:
It is rather sluggish in the first half of the stick movement compared to other aircraft on a percentage basis. It seems the relative increase in roll rate occurs faster towards the edges almost like there is a curve on the axis.
That is precisely the case - the real Hawk has a fairly well defined control curve, described to me as being in thirds - first third is docile, 'GA-like' if that makes sense. Second third is for aerobatics, final third is the realm of the fighter pilot!
This is why I am so vehemently against the amount of freedom Asobo have given the end user in defining their own curves - what I set up as accurate can actually be negated or even reversed in the end user's control settings, which results in problems!
I appreciate that the OP appears to have set their controller settings as I request, but cannot help but feel that the answer lies in this area somewhere - noting also that in the video the pitch appears dulled as well as the roll rate.
@delta558 nice to hear, it's one of the only aircraft in MSFS that I can compare to DCS. Reminds me a bit of the A-4, although the A-4 has blackout levels of roll rate.
I've always been against curves in any fixed wing sim because staying linear keeps precision at all points along the axis not just at the center. Feature may be useful for those who know what they're doing, but alot just blindly put a curve thinking it will be easier because of some misinformation they read somewhere.
So, how about this update?
Sorry if i sound pissy but i have 2-Arrows that broke over a year ago with pitch jerks, and the Hawk had weird stuff happen from when i bought it.This is taking just way too long.
@cgnoorloos Can you clarify what you mean by 'weird stuff'?
@martyn Like i submitted here