'Stall' question
Win11 Pro
CPU: x3950 (OC 4,2 GHz native 3,6 GHz -> checked w/o OC, no success)
RAM: 128 GB
GPU: Gigabyte 3080 Ti 12 GB
Net: Fiber 300Gbit download / 30 Gib uploadBecause I've used Xplane, FSX, 2004 (I'm from previous century)
I'm most likely closing all unused apps before starting sim. Is like zx spectrum and loading game from tape ... do not touch, do not look and so on :)
When sim is started (even though rig is powerful) is started with almost nothing in background but win services. -
@magdalina should not be the system for a lack of power.
I found this yesterday, perhaps it is related and helps.
@cgnoorloos Thank you for the link, I've tested this as well, and again with no success, 0 improvement.
@magdalina Ah shame. Then i am not entirely sure. I assume all drivers are up to date?
Have you tried it with photogametry off? -
@magdalina sorry to hear you are still having stuttering problems. I am assuming you have the latest version of the aircraft. Just Flight did an update over the weekend but as Monday was a holiday in the UK many people, including myself, didn’t get an e-mail saying there was an update till Tuesday. I have read elsewhere that the latest version improved frame-rate performance for some people.
As for the trim issue, my aircraft was in level flight stable in the cruise as well. On both occasions I left the room to make a coffee and came back to find the auto pilot had disconnected and the plane in a slow downward spiral. It was whilst fighting to regain level flight I happened to notice the trim indicator was nearly all the way back.
My only suggestion is to uninstall the aircraft and reinstall the latest version if you haven’t done so already. If you still have problems put in a support ticket to Just Flight. I know they hang out here on the forums occasionally but a support ticket will guarantee someone from there team will be aware of your problems. Hope you get it sorted, good luck!
@cgnoorloos Hi, yes all drivers are up to date, planes and sim it self.
I;ve tested also offline, w/o photogramtery, and everything LOW, still bugish. -
@wyzbowski Yep acft is latest version.
Yesterday I have experienced stall again.Environment:
disabled second network card
disabled all unused services in Windows
closed all applications
start flight
[MSFS2020] weak network connection IGNORE | TURN OFF OHOTOGRAMTERY(really?) ->IGNORE
climb FL180
Engines set thrust sync M1 90%
speed fall from 290 IAS to 210 IAS
auto A/P disengage
STALL VLV[A|B] OPEN, yoke shaking.
while ( total alt loss > 6000 ft ) :
manually try to stabilize the plane.
set full thrust -> no speed gain at all (acting like no power, but all gauges shows proper params, no overheat anywhere) -
dive ~1000 ft to gain speed
speed 250 IAS
stabilize, flat flight
try A/P -> disengage -> STALL VLV[A|B] OPEN -> yoke shaking
done -
finally all quiet
frame drop to 20-25 fps
frame drop to 15-20 fps
frame drop to 7-1 fps
This is how mostly my flights looks like.
JustFlight is aware, I've created ticket, but they do not have any solution. This is the reason I'm asking here.
@magdalina it's good day :) finally I've made flight from EPWR to EGLC w/o any problems!
What helped to get rid of stuttering and frame drop, was to remove all add-ons from Community folders, AND file named Content.xml. For me C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator.
Removing everything ONLY from Community didn't help w/o removing this file.
Also, this time, I didn't experience stall problems at all.
Worked for me:
Point 3 from https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408886545938-How-to-restore-the-sim-to-its-vanilla-stateThanks everyone for help!
@magdalina Would you be kind enough to let us know how you go once you start re-installing addons?
@flightstrike Hi, I've reinstalled some add-ons and still no problem so far.
I have (just right now, when writing this answer) started sim with:
airport LXGB + resolution upscaling from x1600 to x2160 + all settings ULTRA + HDR + BAe146 and still stable 49fps!Speaking about add-ons.
I have already added and tested:- volanta
- other planes,
- pms50-instrument-gtn750
- orbx
- navigraph
- zWTnxi-0.12.1-sync-fix ( gtn fix vs wtt)
- cppr-nameplates-small-blue
- ambitiouspilots-toolbar-pushback
- FSRealistic
What I didn't install this time is:
- Lot of asset Libs for 3rd party free sceneries other than ORBX,
- 3rd party free sceneries other than ORBX,
- fspm-panel-vfrmap
- YourControls (I wasn't so brave to install it again, as someone (sorry I do not remember thread and nickname) on forum, mentioned that this can also cause problems with fps drop)
Now everything is working SUPER WELL and I'm really happy with my purchase.
Also, I did not experience stall issue again, so probably was caused by low frames (as I've suspected).Current config:
Win11 Pro
CPU: x3950 (OC 4,2 GHz)
RAM: 128 GB (3200 OC)
GPU: Gigabyte 3080 Ti 12 GB (no OC)
Net: Fiber 300Gbit download / 30 Gib upload
Paging file: no paging
Regards -
@magdalina Thank you. Just worth mentioing for the recrord if this issue pops up again.