Ground handling (Takeoff and Landing)
Finding the above a little bit oversensitive, especially with any sort of cross-wind. The aircraft feels like it is made from paper it is so light.
I know MSFS has issues with this area but I was hoping JF may have been able to 'stiffen' the handling up a bit?
Anyone or is it just me?!
Me too but I had the same issue with the Hawk. Taxi usually required significant amounts of rudder even with light winds. Can see nothing amiss with my pedal calibration and other aircraft are not as "tough".
I know Asobo/MS ground dynamics are flawed but I do find this hard - maybe I'm just a rubbish pilot :-)
I had this problem with the Hawk and my X52 pro.
I worked out that I had changed the dead zone and sensitivity settings of the rudder previously.
I could hardly keep the Hawk on the runway!I changed them back and it sorted it straight away.
I now have no issues with Hawk or 146.I’m out at the moment but when I get back, I’ll check them and post what my rudder settings are within MSFS.
It may help. -
So, sorry for the delay in this.
I just checked my rudder sensitivity settings for both the Hawk and the 146.
I'll be honest, I thought they were the same, however it turns out I didn't copy the settings over into the 146.
That said, with the rudder settings below (using my X52 pro), I have no more issues with ground handling or over sensitive rudder in either aircraft.![0_1652110113702_Screenshot (1132).png](Uploading 100%)
![0_1652110130652_Screenshot (1133).png](Uploading 100%)
Sorry, cant seem to upload the screenshots!
MSFS controller sensitivity settings in game:
Sensitivity - 0
Sensitivity + 0
Dead zone 0
Neutral 0
Extremity dead zone 0
Reactivity 100%BAE 146
Sensitivity - -50%
Sensitivity + -50%
Dead zone 2%
Neutral 0
Extremity dead zone 0
Reactivity 100%