MSFS BAE-146 - Com-2 Monitoring
Anyone know how to get Com2 to monitor properly for the right seat. I have the Com2 select button down and volume on max on the right side controls. I put the local ATIS frequency on the right side system and selected. No audible sound. Strange thing is I switched to outside view and could hear the ATIS information. Switch back to cockpit view and nothing. I can get it using the left side Com equipment but that messes with air traffic communications for some reason.
Just checked here and it's working OK.
The audio selector volumes are dictated by the selected camera view. With the pilot view selected, the left audio selector panel controls the volumes, and with the co-pilot view selected, it's the right panel.
Note that it's just the round VHF 2 audio volume selector that you need to push in and rotate to control volume. The square button above that is the microphone selector and pushing that in will switch to transmitting on COM 2.
@martyn - yes that was my issue. Just Flight support replied to me this morning with pretty much the same answer.
Push the round button down to monitor selected Com.
Thanks, now if MSFS could get this working better, twice today Com communications was off, well it was in this plane.
@martyn I've done a little testing and I often get the same thing with Nav 1, it's incorrect or silent. I've confirmed it with other planes as well.
I do have Navigraph updating the MSFS data and removing that did fix that for the C152 but not the 146, but it was a quick test and I didn't use the same VOR so I wouldn't say it's conclusive just yet, need to poke around more.