Any know failures caused by the PA 28 161 warrior?
Pre update - the warrior was working well with a livery I am working on.
I downloaded the latest msfs update yesterday. Did the usual - hide the community, cleared the cache etc. Installed the updates both mandatory and those in the config manager...
New start, msfs works.
Put the community back and restarted with my last aircraft / livery (i.e. the Warrior) - there were no different actions to before the updates.
What happens is that when I hit the fly now buttons, msfs goes through the normal procedures and the blue load progress bar starts moving - all is normal untill the blue bar stops aroun 3/4 the way along and after a couple of minutes msfs makes a "burp" type of noise with that ever so famous "You silly Asobo customer, you p me off. You are the weakest link, bye bye!"
For a change though, I do get a pop up warning. Something about "Yoke Profiler.exe"
See picture.
@eagleskinner Have you tried it without anything in your community folder?
yes and with other aircraft and sceneries added.
I have raised a support ticket for this.
I now know a couple of other users are having no issues, so I am even more confused.
I did do an unistall / reinstall, but the date on current download file is Feb this year.
I need to recalibrate my eyes. Simples!
I went back to basics with the texture configs and the manifest; It turns out I switched a . with a , in the latter an was a . or two short in the texture.cfgs
I had a brainfart during the community folder shuffle and loaded an older version.
Thanks for all your help and patience. I now have a black leather VC with some German placards.